The Global Burner Radio Network

The Global Burner Radio Network is a group of Burner radio stations from around the world that collaborate and conspire, share resources and programming to bring radio to the Burner community all year long.

Not only do we bring you weekly and bi-weekly programs but we broadcast live from regional burns and Burner events around the world.

At regional burns where there is an existing radio station, we partner with them and carry their broadcast. Some of those stations didn’t have the ability to stream so we gave them that capability. This makes it possible for other stations in the network to also carry their broadcast.

When there is no radio station at an event, if we can, we bring one. We can’t always send people and equipment to an event due to time and resource limitations. We can always work with the event team to help them get a station up and running on their own (you know, radical self-reliance). If it’s a multi-day camping event, we will broadcast over FM at the event and stream worldwide. If it a conference, decompression or party we generally just stream it.

Some of the stations in the network broadcast year round, some only during their regional events. We encourage you to give them all a listen.

Stations that are part of the network include

Shouting Fire. We are your entry point to the Global Burner Radio Network. We broadcast year round from all over the planet.

Radio Free Tankwa is the radio station of Afrikaburn and broadcasts year round.

kflp streaming logo

KFLIP-FM is the radio station of Burning Flipside, a regional burn in Texas.
KFLIP broadcasts year round from an undisclosed location in Texas.

Red Earth Radio is the radio station of the Australian Burning Man community. RERFM broadcasts year round.

Paddock Radio is the radio station of Kiwiburn in New Zealand. They operate on solar power and broadcast out of a mobile studio year round from all over New Zealand.

Radio SGC is the radio station of Lakes of Fire, The Great Lakes Regional burn. They broadcast during the Lakes of Fire event only.

Radio Barrio is a radio program that broadcasts from Nowhere, a European burn in Spain.  It’s not an official regional but it might as well be.

SIR-FM is the radio station at SNRG – The Southern Nevada Regional Gathering. They broadcast during the SNRG event only.


Radio Austral is the radio station at Fuego Austral, the regional burn in Argentina. They broadcast during the Argentinian event only.

Located in Southern California, Radio Equinox broadcasts live from Bequinox and Youtopia and Black Rock City.


Porta Pottie Pirate Radio – KWPPR 

KWPPR is the radio station of Saguaro Man, the official regional Burn of the Arizona Burner community.  They broadcast 24/7, year round on the internet and at 103.3 FM at the event and in Black Rock City.