Yoms shows

Yomi is an award winning Transmedia storyteller, film producer, and digital strategist. He is a published author, artist, record producer, and event organizer with a penchant for Steampunk – the retro-futurist genre.

In 1998, the BBC News sent Yomi to the USA to direct a film on Burning Man, which introduced him to the creative culture that underpins the event. He returned to the UK, set up the Euroburners website, Playadust discussion list, Nowhere Festival (Spain), London Decompression, and the London Burning Man Film Festival.

Yomi was an active member of Burning Man’s Media Team for past 18 years, he has an annual radio show on BMIR while on the Playa, and has produced two international theme camps.

In 2009, Breathe, Yomi’s first interactive feature film launched at the London International Film Festival, and recently he produced three large scale installations for the Royal Observatory in London.

As a strategist, Yomi works across multiple platforms, and has pioneered new ways of engaging the audience with content.