Captain Neillo (retired…. well sacked actually). He’s an unsteady hand on a leaky ship. Neillo got the job done…. exactly half the time. Much loved by many, his ability to talk under wet cement made him a darling of the Red Earth Radio faithful. When let loose, expect long sentences that finish up where they […]
DJ Love Jonze has been listening to and making radio since 2004, starting her radio career at terrestrial radio station KBOO 90.7 FM in Portland, Oregon. She still produces content, promotional spots, technology interviews, and periodic specials including the 50 Year Anniversary of Woodstock where she interviewed multiple individuals who were at the event either […]
GeminiTrix aka Erin Pimm has been DJing feel good house since 1996. Connecting with her followers and friends around the world with her feel good sessions.
The guiding force and producer behind Radio SGC, the radio station at Lakes of Fire - the Great Lakes Regional Burn, BenmeR has been creating events, experiences, and entertainment for over 20 years. Bringing his background in film production to his DJ shows, he loves to bring you on a journey, tell you a story, and slip in lots of subtleties to his music curation that hopefully puts a smile to your face and a beat in your step. From lighting, to video, to mixing music, he puts his heart into everything he does.- constantly pushing the envelope for your enjoyment. You can listen to BenmeR's music on Mixcloud here You can listen to Radio SGC recordings here.
Burner, producer, creative, and all around music aficionado.
Yomi is an award winning Transmedia storyteller, film producer, and digital strategist. He is a published author, artist, record producer, and event organizer with a penchant for Steampunk – the retro-futurist genre. In 1998, the BBC News sent Yomi to the USA to direct a film on Burning Man, which introduced him to the creative […]
SIR Radio with your host Snarky Santa Live from FABULOUS Las Vegas.
Kieran Randell is your ringmaster live from somewhere in the UK! Super 7”s is a long established, regular 7inch vinyl open decks night Everyone’s welcome – no experience necessary and anything goes in our vinyl-loving community, it can be as eclectic, experimental and accessible as you like – as long as it’s on 7inch vinyl. […]
Steve Hippietrap is traveling the world on his The Smiling Van. Stuck in Turkey, he’s embarking on a virtual world tour calling friends and burners from around the world.