Different Ways to Support Shouting Fire!
Written by shoutfirenew on August 1, 2020
Shouting Fire is a collective of “burners”, radio enthusiasts, artists, noise makers, poets, iconoclasts, and off-grid travelers from all over the globe.
We welcome your participation! What does participation mean?
“Like” and follow us on social media. We are on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Soundcloud. We push out a daily program update on Facebook and Instagram as well as items of interest to our listeners, like music news and announcements from the Burning Man community.
Creating original content to submit. Some of our DJ’s play any original music submitted.
Creating Original Art we can feature on our online Gallery.
Connecting with your favorite DJ’s, giving feedback or calling in.
Sharing ShoutingFire.com with other audio freaks
Participating in shows that schedule Live Real Time events like Zooms and Twitch.
Hosting your own listening parties with your friends.
And Patreon. For as little as $1 a month (or more!) you help cover the costs of bringing the world a little closer together through music, art and whatever you call that!

Crowsnestster&Pooch On January 3, 2021 at 12:32 am
Thanks to all the Shoutingfire support, tech help, and suggestions to assist in kicking off our show today Sunday 1/3/2021
Crowsnestster&Pooch Live from Bull Shoals 7-9a.m. PT
Traveller in Time On August 2, 2020 at 12:56 pm
Way better to navigate
Better; I can navigate without losing my login-focus 😀
burnbright On August 2, 2020 at 3:35 pm
Great news Traveller! Your feedback and suggestions are always welcome!
Lars Thamm On August 2, 2020 at 12:04 am
see a new entry 😀
I love the new website