Making Noise with Tin Cup

Tonight from 5-7pm PST! SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION! Expect to be BLOWN away! Your host, Tin Cup Amy, will play explosive tunes and blow stuff up musically speaking. And be sure to catch Tin Cup’s regular show: Making Noise with Tin Cup on Sundays from 5-6:30 pm.

Tonight on the show we celebrate Playaween! Enjoy some spooky classics and story telling while we pretend that 2020 isn’t still lurking down that dark hallway. For heavens sake! Barbara! Don’t open the door! Don’t do it! You might find…

This week’s theme: LET’S DANCE!!Get your dancing shoes polished up and ready for Sunday’s Making Noise with Tin Cup. Listen to lots of great eclectic dance tunes. This one is more about music than chatter! So be ready to dance!

LET’S DANCE!!Get your dancing shoes polished up and ready for Sunday’s Making Noise with Tin Cup. Listen to lots of great eclectic dance tunes. This one is more about music than chatter! So be ready to dance!

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