ShoutingFire is pleased to stream Afrika Burn 2022 via Radio Free Tankwa live from the event. Bobzilla and Nicolette have arrived at AfrikaBurn where they are camping with Radio Tankwa.We are delighted to bring you a 24/7, live broadcast from the Radio Free Tankwa crew at AfrikaBurn. Several members of the Shouting Fire crew from […]
We have begun our live broadcasts from Radio Equinox! Starting today, Wednesday, April 20th thru Saturday April 23rd, Victor Wright aka Uncl Victor the Radio Equinox crew will be broadcasting live from Bequinox in Southern California. Radio Eqinox will be filling in the gaps when shoutingfire is not live, and broacasting shoutingfire during regularly scheduled programs you can […]
Shouting Fire recently visited the Jimi Hendrix Memorial and Grave in Renton, WA. We placed some flowers on Jimi’s grave.